Erin Hale | Fly Fishing Aficionado

Erin Hale | Fly Fishing Aficionado

This guy. He's so awesome. I grew up admiring my dad and his brothers, seriously so much. I thought that they and their friends were the coolest people who roamed the earth. We couldn't wait to see them, spend time with them, meet some of their friends, hear their stories, know which adventures they were embarking on next. My uncles would jump in the car with their buddies and come down to Phoenix to visit and they'd often make time to see us. We were in heaven. Literally would run home from school and cancel all social plans for the sake of time with them. Fast forward oh, 20 years (yikes). 

I was asked to be the photographer on an outdoor adventure shoot featuring Colorado for this company. We were working hard for this company. We had the "task" of documenting a day of fly fishing. We put together the group of guys that would be the talent and who knew, it would be the next generation (more or less) of my uncles and their friends. Erin Hale is one of these men. The beard, the custom fly rod holders on the roof rack, his friends revere him. He's quiet but funny and intentional in celebrating the catch of a fish by a friend nearby and is in love with his family. The joy his wife and children give him radiates from the fibers of who he is. It's not 15 minutes and he's talking about how wonderful family is. These are good things. When people have a career like being a Fly Fish Tour Guide, you know they're passionate about what they do. You know they're kind spirited and gifted with humans. It's not easy to always entertain, to always guide and lead the way but he does it! Enough to establish a career in and love his family provisionally through. Cheers to you, Erin! I'm excited to have you and you beautiful wife to the barn for the wrap of this series! 













                 Erin Hale

Q: What movie can you watch over and over and never get tired of?
A: "Stomp the Yard, Born as a young black man this movie allows me connect to my love of dance. No really, I love dancing and this movie inspires that. Brotherhood, dance battles, great music, I mean come on Ying/Yang twins on the sound track, Chris Brown busting a move (that boys good) the pursuit of the girl, so much happening. Other top options: A Bronx Tale, Tombstone, Coming to America." - EH


Q: What part of your career keeps you coming back every day?
A: "I love being with people and hearing their stories, sharing my passion for the outdoors. Best title I was give by a client turned good friend (my goal with everyone I get to be on the water with is that progression) was the "creation connector." God gave us so much to take in and my hope is to remind folks of that gift when we Connect with Creation. - EH


Q: What is one accomplishment that you're most proud of?
A: "Getting my wife to marry me.. she is amazing and only getting better. Truly the best thing to happen to me was her saying yes to running this race of life together. She’s the most gifted talented person I know." - EH


Q: Do you have a word or one big goal for 2018?
A: Risk and Trust. 


Q: How did you end up in your career?
A: "I found myself taking folks to the river often to talk about life. So choosing to run after a dream with a one-year-old daughter and another whippersnapper on the way took a wife that had my back. I guided part-time with St. Peter’s fly shop then had to work in the lumber department of a Home Depot to help pay the bills until we moved to Parker, CO where I started managing a fly shop. Shortly after starting to work there and having moved the family to CSprings I learned that the store was about to close. Stressful for sure. Praying for the Lord to do something we launched a Groupon for a fly fishing school and sold 25k worth of classes. It was truly an answer to prayer and the shop made a turn for the better and I thought I was going to become the next owner but that wasn’t meat to be. After a run with Minturn Anglers (who purchased the Parker store) as the guide coordinator/shop manager and destination travel coordinator, I decided I didn’t want to look back and wonder what if. What if I had the courage to start my own deal, what if I trusted the Lord to show and work. What if..."


Q: "What would you NOT do for 1 million dollars?"
A: "Struggling with this one...."

I love this. People leaning in, trusting, depending on the Lord and their spouse and then goodness coming from it. These are the hard and holy things that build our lives up to make an impact that lasts long after we're gone. Thanks for being a part of this series, Erin! -km


Q: Whiskey or Bourbon
A: "Bourbon for me. Makers Mark, Knob Creek, but currently is Basel Hayden’s. Most of my drinking is setting based and the best time for a good Bourbon is after a day of Steelhead fishing.  An IPA beer works just about anywhere though."- EH

All images pulled from Elan Photographie Studio archives on behalf of Prospect Arts for Out There Colorado.

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